Kamis, 10 April 2008

From The Inside

My Islam

By : Aisyah

My Islam is Islam which propagating peacefulness in the whole world
My Islam is Islam which teaching to love all God creation
My Islam is Islam which teaching to eliminate dislike to all human being
My Islam is Islam which teaching in honour of although differ belief
My Islam is Islam which teaching to do a kindness to all human being
My Islam is Islam which teaching [in order] not to get across and reciprocate all hostility with kindliness because my Islam [do] not teach to owe a grudge others.
My Islam is Islam which teaching to have wisdom to all human being
My Islam is Islam which teaching to forgive mistake [of] the others
My Islam is Islam which teaching to say downright and avoid falsehood
My Islam is Islam which teaching for the spread out of peacefulness and eliminate radicalism and hardness in the whole world
Love for All hatred for None

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Humanity First-Serving Mankind